
"Standards of Conduct”

Establishing effective policies and procedures, ensuring that our compliance protocols are fully abided by is paramount to maintaining the security of our corporate activities. In designing our compliance framework, we carry out a thorough collaboration between all corporate entities, the board of governors, departments, employees, external contractors and affiliated agents to ensure that the implementation of our policies and procedures is transparent, clearly understood and strictly adhered to. 
Our “Standards of Conduct” manifesto is the first policy that our employees, associate agents and external contractors develop a clear understanding of. It explicitly details the organization’s expectations of conduct and behaviours and establishes a clear understanding of the organization regarding the exact principles governing its operation. Our Standards of Conduct serve three primary functions:
  • To demonstrate a commitment to compliance with all federal and state laws and regulations
  • To state the organization’s objectives, mission goals and equality-focused ethical standards 
  • To communicate clear expectations for all workforce members, management, governing board, contractors and other agents working on behalf of the organization.
The baseline objective of our compliance procedures is to ensure that the company protocols are strictly adhered to. This safeguards the interests of our client’s and our company’s assets, ensuring that our company always meets the high standards on which we pride ourselves. 

“Liberty is the right to do what the law permits.”


plan of action

designing our compliance framework

Designing a compliance framework is crucial to the success of our services. At first, we must establish a set of common goals, principles and objectives. Alongside establishing these factors, we then analyze what kind of security landscape to implement to ensure that compliance protocols are understood and are practical to carry out and are accountable throughout each stage of the compliance procedures. Transparency is a fundamental aspect of how our compliance protocols enable us to follow the necessary steps to achieve our clients’ desired results.